共為你找到:128筆hk place name 相關企業資訊
Pacific Star Technologies Corp., founded in 1997 and headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, is an international company with a worldwide distribution network. The companys expertise lies in the manufacturing and development of rugged computer products and POS/Kiosk products for various vertical markets. Pacific Star, a locally rooted company, aims to foster mutual partnerships with customers and bring the latest technologies to the market place. A western management is utilized and open communications are simultaneously reinforced in the companys operations to promote the employees innovative and creative capabilities. The PST4612 Mobile Computer was the companys flagship product acquired from the IBM Corporation in 1999 and it helped the company to enter successful partnership with Psion Teklogix, a world leading company in the rugged computers and RFID market place. The targeted industries included: transportation, logistics management, manufacturing, food and beverage, retail, public safety and utilities. Pacific Star is looking forward confidently to the future challenges offered by this exclusive niche market and the retail market, due to its flexibility and experienced workforce. The company plans to further strengthen its foothold in these demanding markets and continue to satisfy the growing demand for its products.
1.本公司位於中山高林口文化北路交流道口南下閘道旁 2.營業時間:0800-1900 全年無休(早班0800-1700 / 晚班1000-1900) 3..聯絡人:劉先生0922-786-786 Google地圖連結如下: http://maps.google.com.tw/maps/place?hl=zhgeorestrict=input_srcid:8c64dd713d994be4 伍茲的部落格:請連結以下網址 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/tigergolf-golf
做創意有限公司是由不同領域的人才所組成的團隊。 從圖像設計、動態影像、網路互動、電子商務、網路行銷、藝術創作各領域的整合都是我們擅長的項目。 我們的目的在於創造更多好玩的事物,讓世界變得更有趣。 dosomething studio is a collaborative group consists of different talents. focuses on integrating art with other areas which includes graphic design, motion graphic, online interaction, e-commerce and e-marketing. We are aiming at creating more art and fun that make the world a more interesting place
This is a place for you to realize your dream. In this company, only ability counts. If you want to be a good teacher, come here. We need a person who is really interested in teaching and learning. Join us!
傳愛學苑 一個有耶穌的愛 的迦美之地 用聖經原則教育孩子 員工感情超好 一個充滿愛的地方歡迎你的加入
以經營績效為目標,於客戶駐地現場輔導. As a team of business consultants, we help organisations navigate the process of change needed to identify and convert opportunities within their operations to actual business financial benefits and desired results We operate in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. In Australia and SEA sharing resources and knowledge with its alliance partners
In-Tect Design Associates (IDA), a full service operation, specializes in space planning, interior design and project management for multinational corporations and state-owned companies. With a host of successful projects over the past two decades, IDA has a strong record in office design. Our goal is to create a flexible workplace with higher productivity to transform a place for work into a space for life. We have worked with different industries and with business of various sizes and are thoroughly capable of dealing with codes and ordinances, local government agencies and problems arising from unique local conditions. With a continuous stream of referrals and a high percentage of repeat clients, IDA has established itself a solution provider, not merely interior designer or space planner. IDA, complete solutions for corporate offices!
勤美自民國六十一年創立迄今,現係大中華區最大之私有鑄造集團,除國內新竹廠外,並於大陸設有天津廠、蘇州廠(均取得 ISO 9002、QS 9000 及TS 16949 認證)及天津勤威廠,並在兩岸三地擁有兩家上市公司,勤美(1532. TT)及勤美達國際(0319.HK)。 除鑄造本業外,勤美集團以成為亞太地區最具特色之金屬材料供應商為目標,提供銑鐵買賣及鋼筋產銷等業務,現為台灣地區最大之銑鐵原料供應商。除加強原物料供應外,勤美持續垂直整合鑄造、銑鐵原料供應、機械加工、汽車零配件生產以及國際倉儲配銷等服務,以一站式服務滿足客戶需求,超過三十多年無論在營收或獲利均穩定成長。 近年勤美集團整體營運正朝向國際化及多角化目標邁進,已跨足於住宅建設、商務飯店以及複合型購物商場經營等多元領域;轉投資璞真建設推出傳世好宅,本英坊、仰哲、仰心及勤美璞真等建案,皆刷新區域銷售記錄,並獲得建築金石獎及建築美學獎的殊榮。 尤其近期位於大台中地區之作「勤美 誠品綠園道」,是一座結合人文、藝術、觀光與生活機能的綜合性商場,該建築由二十公尺高的植栽所圍繞成亞洲第一高植生牆,讓顧客可以在室內與室外都感受到綠意盎然的環境,被喻為是一間「會呼吸的購物中心」。並也將持續於台北及台中市區精華地點推案,打造幽雅的「樂活」生活。 勤美集團三十多年來無論在營收或獲利均穩定成長,亟待各領域專業人才加入,深耕於台灣、放眼於未來。 勤儉誠信,永續經營! 詳細資料請進入本公司網站 www.cmp.com.tw 查詢!
Founded in 1986 as a custom linear motor manufacturer, Adacel Technologies, LTD has developed into a major supplier of linear actuators, motor control systems, electronics and software to the RV, medical and fitness industries. Adacel Technologies, LTD possesses the unique combination of mechanical, electronic and software expertise coupled with our vertically integrated manufacturing in China and Taiwan. Our business includes Adacel brand name linear actuator motors, electronics, and customized assemblies for global OEMs. Adacel has been involved in EMS (electronic manufacturing services) for over 10 years and offers either sub- contracting or turn- key options, characterized by fast turnaround, expert design and competitive pricing. Products and Services offered: ● Custom linear actuators and motor controls systems ● Manufacturing solutions for mechanical, software, and electronic projects in our China factories ● Transfers of new and on-going finished product projects (ODM) to China ● New product development and new product realization (turnkey) ● Managing on-going quality and logistics in China ● Sourcing individual mechanical and electrical components in China We are looking for a candidate that is organized, motivated, and wants to learn new skills. Please contact us for more information at [email protected]
Since 1999, Marasst has been one of the major providers of quality notebook products from Top Tier manufacturers in Taiwan for European markets, with revenues growing to over 16 million US dollars last year. Marasst is expanding into computing, consumer electronics and communication products and needs the best people to compete on the global high-tech market place. Please visit our website at www.marasst.com for more information
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